At the end of this summer, Avery had an unforgettable childhood experience getting her first CAST! "Oh, man!" (I don't know how else to describe it, and kids especially can relate to just these two words and phrase made famous by a certain masked fox! You will only get that if you are a parent of small ones at home!) Anyhow, Shailee was taking her downstairs to play, like normal, and somehow caught the edge of a stair and they both fell, hitting their heads on the wall. It wasn't until a bit later after Avery calmed down, that she wanted to get down (as I was holding her) to grab a toy, took a step, and immediately pulled up her leg like a wounded puppy holding up his paw! It was obvious something was wrong...
We took her in the doctor's and found she had a small fracture on her tibia and needed a cast.
We assume Shai must have accidentally caught her foot underneath her when they fell, causing the fracture. Shailee cried a good part of the afternoon saying, "I'm the worst sister, EVER!" over and over. We assured her it was simply an accident and Avery's hugs seemed to make it okay for them both!
The whole ordeal was, of course, was super sad, but Avery adjusted quickly, hobbling around like the fastest peg-leg you've ever seen! We even nicknamed her 'Pirate' (I think Scott even tried to get her to say, "Arrr!"), and we always knew she was coming, as we could hear the pause, clunk, pause, clunk of her footsteps behind us!! She was the cutest little broken leg, peg-leg girl you've ever seen!
I HAD to get pictures, just for the that they are good ones instead of bad!
Oh England!
15 years ago